Your advanced message will be deferred for a few hours

At the point when advanced mail is presented in a brief span, you won't get every computerized shipment quickly.

Inside half a month, the Danish dispatch was the first of its kind in the nation's biggest computerized digitization venture - advanced letters from people in general to supplant paper stamps.

In any case, with the presentation of advanced mail, you ought not expect another email framework, in light of the fact that computerized mail is totally not quite the same as the message on numerous focuses.

Second, computerized mail utilizes Identity with NemID and scrambled messages, and then again, the whole foundation of e-Box Providers is unique in relation to yours known from Hotmail or Gmail.

"Our answer depends on the combination of various frameworks, not the customary informing framework. We give sureness that messages are available and that they are not traded off out and about," he said. Nordic erik Knudsen discloses to Computerworld.

Consequently, the mail arrives later

At the point when specialists like the city and the advisory groups send email to just 650,000 great organizations on November 1 and around 4 million nationals by November 1, 2014, mail might be postponed in a few schools. appropriate.

This is on the grounds that the administration can send singular shipments or supposed mass shipments, which are taken care of contrastingly in the e-Box framework.

Single shipments, for example, answers to inquiries from a region, will as a rule be sent from the frameworks preparing the records and the entries to your advanced inbox instantly.

Mass shipments to various natives or organizations, then again, will ordinarily be produced from different sorts of frameworks, for example, the Building and Housing Register (BBR), and might be discharged during the evening when clusters Bulk is explained.

Submit - and pause

So when the city presses the 'send' catch early in the day for mass travel with numerous beneficiaries, advanced mail for the individual organization or native will seem first during the evening.

"It doesn't function as an email. We can set up the framework speedier, yet so far there is no need," said Erik Knudsen from e-Boks.

He clarified that advanced letter exhortation in your inbox will be conveyed to your consistent email address - normally a couple of hours after the fact, in light of the fact that the sort of guiding is led five times each year. day.

E-Bok today has 3.9 million individuals accepting mail in their e-letter boxes while European-based organizations dealt with in excess of 200 million shipments a year ago.

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